Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HS..is still FRIKING AWSOME! nyu is to far and EMERSON is just around the corner!

HS.... i have no words. Last year I heard my brother and other HS says ohh ull love HS and though yeah right MS is awsome teachers are grade ppl rock etc. Hs is just harder.. well future high schoolers... IT IS AWSOME! u have al the liberty, the fun (dont drink and drive) ---->i wanna drive btw but i have to wait 2 more years. and Yeah just awsome! My english is kind of like very sucky this past days.. weeks.. motnhs but well.. thats live huh? jajajaja I should be doing hw no (HS is HARD!!) but its to boring so i will just copy it tom----> not true... (SEE I NEED A VLOG... but a vlog=a mac and a mac= not happening! EMERSON! emerson is this college in boston / a state... just like rhode island---(learnd tht in math lab) of comunications and it is AMAZING! and apparently it is pretty is.. but the essay is hard.. The title of a book of my life.. i wrote an essay about that in 7th grade.. and said i would call it "Alma mexicana" but wrting an essay about that :S jajaj PANAMUN is also coming, which is fun i guess? many ppl are dreaming of being like charis and SG... i acctually want to be a admin.. or in senior yr the admin chief or wtvr (talking bout senior yr i have great plans for my prom.. liek a home coming dance :)) jajaja next year i will be ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR.. cus presindet or other stuff is too much and class rep... dont like relly count so yeah :)