Thursday, September 2, 2010

HS is awsome! NYU is far!

So as you can see my main, and only, concern is freaking getting into NYU!! and yes im a freshmen i should go enjoy life (which i do, i actually know i have to study but dont really do it, thats why am concernd) but aghhh. I just think HS is being too easy, not much hw, not many tests, easy! and then, yeah F in calsses! awsome! NOO! So right now im working on tring to get hw the day its given, MY ultimate goal in life, going to the gym and getting soem freaking after schools to put in my resume! Besides that life is great! I seriously wake up every day wanting to go to school (and to sleep on the bus which are definetley the best naps on earth!) so life is (y). I am getrting a video camara, cuz u kno if u wanna study film u kind of need a camera? I got 2 summer jobs offers (through my mom) which are AWSOME and im diying to learn chinese! Oh and i also want this to be like a vlog, i SUCK at wrting, and am pretty good talking nonsense, but that will be when i get a mac (yeah like never?) IN 11 GRADE!!! first i need to go in exchange program, a summer camo in NY, learn how to drive, summer camp in boston or paris! adn yeah then get a mac! so HI, oh and now i gave the link of this thingy to a girl :)