Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HS..is still FRIKING AWSOME! nyu is to far and EMERSON is just around the corner!

HS.... i have no words. Last year I heard my brother and other HS says ohh ull love HS and though yeah right MS is awsome teachers are grade ppl rock etc. Hs is just harder.. well future high schoolers... IT IS AWSOME! u have al the liberty, the fun (dont drink and drive) ---->i wanna drive btw but i have to wait 2 more years. and Yeah just awsome! My english is kind of like very sucky this past days.. weeks.. motnhs but well.. thats live huh? jajajaja I should be doing hw no (HS is HARD!!) but its to boring so i will just copy it tom----> not true... (SEE I NEED A VLOG... but a vlog=a mac and a mac= not happening! EMERSON! emerson is this college in boston / a state... just like rhode island---(learnd tht in math lab) of comunications and it is AMAZING! and apparently it is pretty is.. but the essay is hard.. The title of a book of my life.. i wrote an essay about that in 7th grade.. and said i would call it "Alma mexicana" but wrting an essay about that :S jajaj PANAMUN is also coming, which is fun i guess? many ppl are dreaming of being like charis and SG... i acctually want to be a admin.. or in senior yr the admin chief or wtvr (talking bout senior yr i have great plans for my prom.. liek a home coming dance :)) jajaja next year i will be ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR.. cus presindet or other stuff is too much and class rep... dont like relly count so yeah :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

HS is awsome! NYU is far!

So as you can see my main, and only, concern is freaking getting into NYU!! and yes im a freshmen i should go enjoy life (which i do, i actually know i have to study but dont really do it, thats why am concernd) but aghhh. I just think HS is being too easy, not much hw, not many tests, easy! and then, yeah F in calsses! awsome! NOO! So right now im working on tring to get hw the day its given, MY ultimate goal in life, going to the gym and getting soem freaking after schools to put in my resume! Besides that life is great! I seriously wake up every day wanting to go to school (and to sleep on the bus which are definetley the best naps on earth!) so life is (y). I am getrting a video camara, cuz u kno if u wanna study film u kind of need a camera? I got 2 summer jobs offers (through my mom) which are AWSOME and im diying to learn chinese! Oh and i also want this to be like a vlog, i SUCK at wrting, and am pretty good talking nonsense, but that will be when i get a mac (yeah like never?) IN 11 GRADE!!! first i need to go in exchange program, a summer camo in NY, learn how to drive, summer camp in boston or paris! adn yeah then get a mac! so HI, oh and now i gave the link of this thingy to a girl :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


so the everyday writing thiny not happening right? sorry! well now im in HS! AMAZING! this diferent-people-in-every-class thing is just amazing! you get to be with so many ppl! i absloutly love my school, and its only been what 6 months, and i absloutley looove panama! of course i miss guatemala SOOO much and the ppl there! but here is just so much beter to life. And the ppl are tottaly, idk so much mature, you feel the thrill of getting good grades in HS not the other attitude of nobody cares that i used to have. Right now im working REALLY hard to do all my work in order to get to NYU, but keeping this during 4 years! gonna be hard! its only been 3 weeks! I really want to learn chinese, and i have selected 3 summer camps that will help me get into NYU, or atleast learn someting about film! jaja and IM GETTING A CAMARA!! ill write more!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

looving my school

Right now, im loooving my school! idk i think because quality is just so much better, in guate no activities could be done because teachers were bad and students wouldent cooperate. I dont know whats the diference but here it does. Students just cooperate so much that its amazing, The oter day in calss i realised in the middle of math that i like my class. I walready feel like part of it. Of course i know muuuch less people than in guate and ofcourse miss guate and its people but here may not be that bad, and im pretty sure in some time I will be LOOOVING panama and wanting 2 stay here till senior year so badly! I WANT TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL ASAP!

Monday, February 1, 2010

People here are very nice. For some reason i feel wierd, i think beacuse in Guatemala i was used to know everyone and haivbng contacts everyowhere. Here is just like blank! I also keep saying to myself I have just been here 2 weeks i cant exect to lnow everyone!!1 or to be the most popular guy at shcool!!! Many people just moved this year, adn they seem fine, apparently after 6 mothns they are completly settled and LOVE panama. I hope i am that way in 6 month because i NEED to know eveeryone and just be able to say hi to people randlomly

Sunday, January 24, 2010


IM NOW IN SCHOOL!! wel i have to say i thought it would be worst. Like everyone just says hi and talks to me, of cousre a 2 min conver and then just leaves but.... idk its better than my old school. I dond know why this days im realizing my promotion in guatemala was very... boring. like one grade up was.. good, 2 grades up WAS AMAZING!! here am like in the AMAZING ONE!! i still ahvent figured how CRAZY parties are, lol to afraid to ask, but everyone is nice and like FUN. I miss guatemala specialy because now that i left looks like million things are happening there!! and here wll i dont really knwo much people soo..

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Im moving satruday! So i been doing like thousands of tests so i cna continue the second semester there. I still have to pack AND MAKE A GOOD BYE PARTY. right now im waiting for the confirmation in my freinds house so maybe i can do it there. I dont want a huge party, just a small one because any way ill come and talk to them so.... dont really see the point!! well say hi again from panama :(

Monday, January 4, 2010

FIRST POST!! 4/1/2010

SOORRY i did not wrte buy i have just been very busy! I am back in school doing tests, my final two weeks. I have to plan two parties and like also be sad because im moving. When i went to school everyone was like werent you going to move, and i just said like two more weeks. I really want these two parties to be incredible but i dont know, anyway ill be gone so how good does it made if its very good i should just relax and enjoy. I mean it may be a grat party but I have to enjoy it to. Anyway NYU STUDENTS JUST GOT ACCEPTANCE, im so jealouse i wish i could even apply!!!